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Sets or reads the login information for a database server.


#include "SaAddLogin.h"
int SaAddLogin(						char* server, 
						char* altserver, 
						char* uname, char* passwd, 
						int overwrite);


The name of the database server to set/read the login information.
The server name to use for all requests for server.
The login name of the user on the database server.
The user's password on the server.
Flag specifying how to affect the internal login information.

Return Values

Returns defined constants specified below.


SaAddLogin sets or reads the login information for a database server. Login information for all servers that a client uses is kept in a dynamic list of structures. There can be only one record per server in the list. Therefore, if a record already exists for a server, it must be specified whether to overwrite the old information or not. Also, an alternate server name may be specified so that all procedures which would have run under the normal server name will now run on the alternate server name. This is handy for re-mapping servers at run-time.

The valid return values are listed below:

Use this function to bypass the default Login Manager of Sapphire/Web.

See Also

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